Ninja Saga has been around for the past 11 years since July 2009. They had sucessfully confirm that this game will move to Unity. I've created this static website to keep all my remaining lighting style in the event if the developer intend to restart everything again. I've started the game since 2010 and i have only joined one clan for the entire game. I've spend most of the time in PVP and Lighting is probably the only element that I've been using to knock down opponents.

NOTE : Better experience by using larger screen, this means using your computer or laptop instead of Smartphones


 The creation of my Lighting Avatars was being inspired by the art of susanoo from Naruto manga and Genos the cybord from OPM manga. The Lighting Avatars that I've created was mainly to focus on pure critical damage. It has a substantial amount of critical damage, strong enough to defeat an opponent with a single blow. I've created four types of lighting avatars that processes different lighting and critical abilities. Click on "My Avatar" on the top or scroll down. You will see four types of avatars, click on them and it will bring you to thier video and stats. Just throw the yellow flash kunai if you wanted to go back to the top.

Lighting Ethics

 The ethics of my avatar fighting skills is not to lock the opponent down with a rigid win but rather to allow oppnents to demonstrate thier fighting abilities. Lock, stun, chaos or whatever that stops the opponent would only be used in the event for surviving without any other alternative choice. Being a lighting user is not easy because you have to be very patient without much support from purify and agility, that's the cost of critical. Only a few of lighting user would probably be around in PVP hated from the unique abilities of your fighting style. The lighting journey in PVP will always meet some first locker that desparately wish to win you over a cheap and rigid match.

 To the ethical players: " If you are a person that start a match without first locking and win, you are highly respected in the match as you have shown your greatest abilities. Probably you are a space time user or significant defence and constant purify with heavily equipped clan skills and weapons "

"However, if you had lost in the battle that would probably be the fate of Ninja Saga algorithm". Remember, sometimes you are not controlling the game, the game is controlling you.

 To the first locker: " If you have clan skill, bushin and defer and you are still doing first lock on your opponent. Please do yourself a favor, remove your hand from the keyboard, use it to slap your face and look a the mirror and Say, SHAME ON YOU. "

"However, if even with those skills and first lock and you still lose in the battle, probably is time to understand that desperation to win would bring you to no way and no meaning in the battle"

The Legends Untold


Video will be constantly change when new legendary battle happens - Updated since 18 October 2020

1 / 5
Khido Anbu - Actual Duration 12 mins
2 / 5
Sasaki - Actual Duration 8 mins
3 / 5
Coming Soon
4 / 5
Coming Soon
5 / 5
Coming Soon

Choose here


Shadow Ninja


 The unique about this avatar outfit has been around for 6 years since 2014 the "Shadow Ninja" set.

 There are a lot of first locker out there in PVP. They are desparate to win over a cheap fight by locking you up the first turn and end you with an ASI when you use defer after unyielding.

 This avatar was design to survive on an ASI blast while you regenerate after unyielding with a combination of Yobi support. He has great regenaration of HP and CP to continue producing skills even when recieve few blows of CP reduction from opponents.


Roku Armor


 The Rokubi Armor set was available around the early 2018. This outfit represents the lighting armor as similar to the nature attribute of pet rokubi. This is a full attack avatar.

 The Roku armor was design to settle a quick fight in the battle. This avatar processes a significant high chance of critical damage that could easily penetrate through shields buff with additional critical support of the back item of his ruko tail. The unique abilities of this avatar fighting style is effortless on producing critical damage without needed to buff. However, the Roku set doesn't processed enough deffence, CP and HP that usually doesn't end well if the battle continue to drag longer.


War Art


 The War Art Armor was mainly a set of "Advance Samurai Armor" created 5 years ago exclusively in the 6th Anniversary 2015. The design of this avatar was inspired by the "The Art of War". Therefore, the skills and lighting advancement of this avatar fighting strategy is mainly on using the war art techniques.

 The War Art avatar is design to be resilient with lighting buff strategies. This avatar is strong in attack and defence simultaneously regenerating in a match which processed enough balancing to carry out a long fight just like during in a war battle. His fighting style carries out the Art of war techniques by fully utilizing every single skills from jutsu to senjutsu for killing.


Get a custom webpage that you like to have

There are many great players had produced cool videos such as PVP battle PVE with friends and designing cartoon animation. I can use all your designed animation and video to created a webpage for you. You can also give me some ideas how you would like to design.

Email your receipt and contact details to samuel6249ng@gmail.com once after you have paid

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